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/* * Copyright 2013-2015, All Rights Reserved. * * Code licensed under the BSD License: * * * @author Eduardo Lundgren <> */ 'use strict'; // -- Requires ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var async = require('async'), base = require('./base'), configs = require('./configs'), fs = require('fs'), git = require('./git'), logger = require('./logger'), nopt = require('nopt'), path = require('path'), tracker = require('./tracker'), User = require('./cmds/user').Impl, config = configs.getConfig(); // -- Utils ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function hasCommandInOptions(commands, options) { if (commands) { return commands.some(function (c) { return options[c] !== undefined; }); } return false; } function invokePayload(options, command, cooked, remain) { var payload; if (command.DETAILS.payload && !hasCommandInOptions(command.DETAILS.commands, options)) { payload = remain.concat(); payload.shift(); command.DETAILS.payload(payload, options); } } function findCommand(name) { var Command, commandDir, commandFiles, commandPath; commandDir = path.join(__dirname, 'cmds'); commandPath = path.join(commandDir, name + '.js'); if (fs.existsSync(commandPath)) { Command = require(commandPath).Impl; } else { commandFiles = base.find(commandDir, /\.js$/i); commandFiles.every(function (file) { commandPath = path.join(commandDir, file); Command = require(commandPath).Impl; if (Command.DETAILS.alias === name) { return false; } Command = null; return true; }); } return Command; } function loadCommand(name) { var Command = findCommand(name), plugin; // If command was not found, check if it is registered as a plugin. if (!Command) { try { plugin = configs.getPlugin(name); } catch(e) { return null; } Command = plugin.Impl; // If plugin command exists, register the executed plugin name on // process.env. This may simplify core plugin infrastructure. process.env.NODEGH_PLUGIN = name; } return Command; } exports.setUp = function () { var Command, iterative, operations = [], options, parsed = nopt(process.argv), remain = parsed.argv.remain, cooked = parsed.argv.cooked; operations.push(function (callback) { base.checkVersion(); if (tracker.optOut !== undefined) { callback(); return; } tracker.askPermission(null, function () { callback(); }); }); operations.push(function (callback) { var module = remain[0]; if (cooked[0] === '--version' || cooked[0] === '-v') { module = 'version'; } else if (!remain.length || (cooked.indexOf('-h') >= 0) || (cooked.indexOf('--help') >= 0)) { module = 'help'; } Command = loadCommand(module); if (!Command) { tracker.trackCommand(remain); logger.error('Command not found'); return; } options = nopt( Command.DETAILS.options, Command.DETAILS.shorthands, process.argv, 2); iterative = Command.DETAILS.iterative; cooked = options.argv.cooked; remain = options.argv.remain; options.number = options.number || [remain[1]]; options.remote = options.remote || config.default_remote; if (module === 'help') { callback(); } else { User.login(callback); } }); async.series(operations, function () { var iterativeValues, remoteUrl = git.getRemoteUrl(options.remote); options.isTTY = {}; = Boolean(process.stdin.isTTY); options.isTTY.out = Boolean(process.stdout.isTTY); options.loggedUser = base.getUser(); options.remoteUser = git.getUserFromRemoteUrl(remoteUrl); if (!options.user) { if (options.repo || options.all) { options.user = options.loggedUser; } else { options.user = options.remoteUser || options.loggedUser; } } options.repo = options.repo || git.getRepoFromRemoteURL(remoteUrl); options.currentBranch = options.currentBranch || git.getCurrentBranch(); base.expandAliases(options); // Try to retrieve iterative values from iterative option key, // e.g. option['number'] === [1,2,3]. If iterative option key is not // present, assume [undefined] in order to initialize the loop. iterativeValues = options[iterative] || [undefined]; iterativeValues.forEach(function (value) { options = base.clone(options); // Value can be undefined when the command doesn't have a iterative // option. options[iterative] = value; invokePayload(options, Command, cooked, remain); new Command(options).run(); tracker.trackCommand(options.argv.original, Command.DETAILS); }); }); }; = function () { if (!fs.existsSync(configs.getUserHomePath())) { configs.createGlobalConfig(); } base.load(); configs.getConfig(); // If configs.PLUGINS_PATH_KEY is undefined, try to cache it before proceeding. if (configs.getConfig()[configs.PLUGINS_PATH_KEY] === undefined) { configs.getNodeModulesGlobalPath(); } try { process.env.GH_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../'); this.setUp(); } catch (e) { tracker.track('error'); console.error(e.stack || e); } };