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/* * Copyright 2013-2015, All Rights Reserved. * * Code licensed under the BSD License: * * * @author Zeno Rocha <> * @author Eduardo Lundgren <> */ 'use strict'; // -- Requires ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var base = require('../base'), configs = require('../configs'), logger = require('../logger'), nopt = require('nopt'), path = require('path'), stream = require('stream'), url = require('url'); // -- Constructor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Help() { this.options = nopt( Help.DETAILS.options, Help.DETAILS.shorthands, process.argv, 2); } // -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help.DETAILS = { description: 'List all commands and options available.', options: { 'all': Boolean, 'help': Boolean }, shorthands: { 'a': ['--all'], 'h': ['--help'] } }; // -- Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = function () { var instance = this, commands = [], cmdDir = path.join(__dirname, '../cmds/'), files = base.find(cmdDir, /\.js$/), filter, options = this.options, plugins; // Remove help from command list files.splice(files.indexOf('help.js'), 1); files.splice(files.indexOf('version.js'), 1); // Get external plugins plugins = configs.getPlugins(); plugins.forEach(function (plugin) { try { files.push(configs.getPluginPath(plugin)); } catch (e) { logger.warn('Can\'t get ' + plugin + ' plugin path.'); } }); filter = options.argv.remain[0]; if (filter === 'help') { filter = options.argv.remain[1]; } files.forEach(function (dir) { var cmd = require(path.resolve(cmdDir, dir)), alias = cmd.Impl.DETAILS.alias || '', flags = [], name = path.basename(dir, '.js').replace(/^gh-/, ''), offset = 20 - alias.length - name.length; if (offset < 1) { offset = 1; } if (offset !== 1 && alias.length === 0) { offset += 2; } if (filter && (filter !== alias) && (filter !== name)) { return; } if (filter || options.all) { flags = instance.groupOptions_(cmd.Impl.DETAILS); offset = 1; } commands.push({ alias: alias, description: cmd.Impl.DETAILS.description, flags: flags, name: name, offset: new Array(offset + 1).join(' ') }); }); if (filter && commands.length === 0) { logger.error('No manual entry for ' + filter); return; } logger.log(this.listCommands_(commands)); }; Help.prototype.listFlags_ = function (command) { var flags = command.flags, content = ''; flags.forEach(function (flag) { content += ' '; if (flag.shorthand) { content += '-' + flag.shorthand + ', '; } content += '--' + flag.option; if (flag.cmd) { content += '*'; } if (flag.type) { content += logger.colors.cyan(' (' + flag.type + ')'); } content += '\n'; }); if (flags.length !== 0) { content += '\n'; } return content; }; Help.prototype.listCommands_ = function (commands) { var content = 'usage: gh <command> [payload] [--flags] [--verbose] [--no-hooks]\n\n', pos, command; content += 'List of available commands:\n'; for (pos in commands) { if (commands.hasOwnProperty(pos)) { command = commands[pos]; content += ' '; if (command.alias) { content += logger.colors.magenta(command.alias) + ', '; } content += logger.colors.magenta( + command.offset + command.description + '\n'; content += this.listFlags_(command); } } content += '\n(*) Flags that can execute an action.\n' + '\'gh help\' lists available commands.\n' + '\'git help -a\' lists all available subcommands.'; return content; }; Help.prototype.groupOptions_ = function (details) { var instance = this, cmd, options, shorthands, grouped = []; options = Object.keys(details.options); shorthands = Object.keys(details.shorthands); options.forEach(function (option) { var foundShorthand, type; shorthands.forEach(function (shorthand) { var shorthandValue = details.shorthands[shorthand][0]; if (shorthandValue === '--' + option) { foundShorthand = shorthand; } }); cmd = instance.isCommand_(details, option); type = instance.getType_(details.options[option]); grouped.push({ cmd: cmd, option: option, shorthand: foundShorthand, type: type }); }); return grouped; }; Help.prototype.getType_ = function (type) { var types, separator = ', '; if (Array.isArray(type)) { types = type; // Iterative options have an Array reference as the last type // e.g. [String, Array], [Boolean, Number, Array], [.., Array] if (type[type.length - 1] === Array) { type.pop(); } type = ''; types.forEach(function (eachType) { type += this.getType_(eachType) + separator; }, this); type = type.substr(0, type.length - separator.length); return type; } switch (type) { case String: type = 'String'; break; case url: type = 'Url'; break; case Number: type = 'Number'; break; case path: type = 'Path'; break; case stream.Stream: type = 'Stream'; break; case Date: type = 'Date'; break; case Boolean: type = 'Boolean'; break; } return type; }; Help.prototype.isCommand_ = function (details, option) { if (details.commands && (details.commands.indexOf(option) > -1)) { return true; } return false; }; exports.Impl = Help;