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/* * Copyright 2013-2015, All Rights Reserved. * * Code licensed under the BSD License: * * * @author Eduardo Lundgren <> * @author Zeno Rocha <> */ 'use strict'; // -- Requires ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var async = require('async'), base = require('../base'), git = require('../git'), hooks = require('../hooks'), logger = require('../logger'), openUrl = require('open'), Issues = require('./issue').Impl, config = base.getConfig(); // -- Constructor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PullRequest(options) { this.options = options; if (!options.repo && !options.all) { logger.error('You must specify a Git repository with a GitHub remote to run this command'); } this.issue = new Issues(options); } // -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PullRequest.DETAILS = { alias: 'pr', description: 'Provides a set of util commands to work with Pull Requests.', iterative: 'number', commands: [ 'browser', 'close', 'comment', 'fetch', 'fwd', 'info', 'list', 'merge', 'open', 'rebase', 'submit' ], options: { 'all': Boolean, 'branch': String, 'browser': Boolean, 'close': Boolean, 'comment': String, 'description': String, 'detailed': Boolean, 'direction': String, 'fetch': Boolean, 'fwd': String, 'issue': Number, 'info': Boolean, 'list': Boolean, 'me': Boolean, 'merge': Boolean, 'number': [String, Array], 'open': Boolean, 'org': String, 'rebase': Boolean, 'remote': String, 'repo': String, 'sort': String, 'state': ['open', 'closed'], 'submit': String, 'title': String, 'user': String }, shorthands: { 'a': ['--all'], 'b': ['--branch'], 'B': ['--browser'], 'C': ['--close'], 'c': ['--comment'], 'D': ['--description'], 'd': ['--detailed'], 'f': ['--fetch'], 'i': ['--issue'], 'I': ['--info'], 'l': ['--list'], 'M': ['--merge'], 'm': ['--me'], 'n': ['--number'], 'o': ['--open'], 'O': ['--org'], 'R': ['--rebase'], 'r': ['--repo'], 'S': ['--state'], 's': ['--submit'], 't': ['--title'], 'u': ['--user'] }, payload: function (payload, options) { if (payload[0]) { options.fetch = true; } else { options.list = true; } } }; PullRequest.DIRECTION_DESC = 'desc'; PullRequest.DIRECTION_ASC = 'asc'; PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_CHECKOUT = 'checkout'; PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_MERGE = 'merge'; PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_REBASE = 'rebase'; PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_SILENT = 'silent'; PullRequest.SORT_CREATED = 'created'; PullRequest.SORT_COMPLEXITY = 'complexity'; PullRequest.STATE_CLOSED = 'closed'; PullRequest.STATE_OPEN = 'open'; // -- Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PullRequest.prototype.options = null; PullRequest.prototype.issues = null; = function () { var instance = this, options = instance.options; options.number = options.number || instance.getPullRequestNumberFromBranch_(); options.pullBranch = instance.getBranchNameFromPullNumber_(options.number); options.state = options.state || PullRequest.STATE_OPEN; if (!options.pullBranch && (options.close || options.fetch || options.merge)) { logger.error('You\'ve invoked a method that requires an issue number.'); } if (options.browser) { instance.browser(options.user, options.repo, options.number); } if (!options.list) { options.branch = options.branch || config.default_branch; } if (options.close) { instance._closeHandler(); } if (options.comment) { instance._commentHandler(); } if (options.fetch) { instance._fetchHandler(); } else if (options.merge || options.rebase) { instance._mergeHandler(); } if (options.fwd === '') { options.fwd = config.default_pr_forwarder; } if (options.fwd) { this._fwdHandler(); } if ( { this._infoHandler(); } if (options.list) { this._listHandler(); } if ( { this._openHandler(); } if (options.submit === '') { options.submit = config.default_pr_reviewer; } if (options.submit) { this._submitHandler(); } }; PullRequest.prototype.addComplexityParamToPulls_ = function (pulls, opt_callback) { var instance = this, metrics, operations, options = instance.options; operations = (pull) { return function (callback) { options.number = pull.number; instance.getPullRequest_(function (err, pull2) { if (!err) { metrics = { additions: pull2.additions, changedFiles: pull2.changed_files, comments: pull2.comments, deletions: pull2.deletions, reviewComments: pull2.review_comments }; pull.complexity = instance.calculateComplexity_(metrics); } callback(err, pull); }); }; }); async.series(operations, function (err, results) { opt_callback(err, results); }); }; PullRequest.prototype.browser = function (user, repo, number) { openUrl('' + user + '/' + repo + '/pull/' + number); }; PullRequest.prototype.calculateComplexity_ = function (metrics) { var complexity, weightAddition = 2, weightChangedFile = 2, weightComment = 2, weightDeletion = 2, weightReviewComment = 1; complexity = (metrics.additions * weightAddition) + (metrics.changedFiles * weightChangedFile) + (metrics.comments * weightComment) + (metrics.deletions * weightDeletion) + (metrics.reviewComments * weightReviewComment); return complexity; }; PullRequest.prototype.close = function (opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, operations, pull; operations = [ function (callback) { instance.getPullRequest_(function (err, data) { if (!err) { pull = data; } callback(err); }); }, function (callback) { instance.updatePullRequest_( pull.title, pull.body, PullRequest.STATE_CLOSED, callback); }, function (callback) { if (options.pullBranch === options.currentBranch) { git.checkout(options.branch); } if (options.pullBranch) { git.deleteBranch(options.pullBranch); } callback(); } ]; async.series(operations, function (err) { opt_callback && opt_callback(err, pull); }); }; PullRequest.prototype.checkPullRequestIntegrity_ = function (originalError, user, opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, payload, pull; payload = { user: user, repo: options.repo, state: PullRequest.STATE_OPEN }; base.github.pullRequests.getAll(payload, function (err, pulls) { if (!err) { pulls.forEach(function (data) { if ((data.base.ref === options.branch) && (data.head.ref === options.currentBranch) && (data.base.sha === data.head.sha) && (data.base.user.login === user) && (data.head.user.login === options.user)) { pull = data; originalError = null; return; } }); } opt_callback && opt_callback(originalError, pull); }); }; PullRequest.prototype.fetch = function (opt_type, opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, headBranch, repoUrl; instance.getPullRequest_(function (err, pull) { if (err) { opt_callback && opt_callback(err); return; } headBranch = pull.head.ref; repoUrl = pull.head.repo.ssh_url; git.fetch(repoUrl, headBranch, options.pullBranch); if (opt_type !== PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_SILENT) { git[opt_type](options.pullBranch); } opt_callback(err, pull); }); }; PullRequest.prototype.filterPullsSentByMe_ = function (pulls) { var instance = this, options = instance.options; pulls = pulls.filter(function (pull) { if (options.loggedUser === pull.user.login) { return pull; } }); return pulls; }; PullRequest.prototype.forward = function (opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, operations, submittedPull, pull; operations = [ function (callback) { instance.fetch(PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_SILENT, function (err, data) { pull = data; callback(err); }); }, function (callback) { options.title = pull.title; options.description = pull.body; options.submittedUser = pull.user.login; instance.submit(options.fwd, function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } options.submittedPullNumber = data.number; submittedPull = data; callback(); }); } ]; async.series(operations, function (err) { opt_callback && opt_callback(err, submittedPull); }); }; PullRequest.prototype.getPullRequest_ = function (opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, payload; payload = { number: options.number, repo: options.repo, user: options.user }; base.github.pullRequests.get(payload, opt_callback); }; PullRequest.prototype.getBranchNameFromPullNumber_ = function (number) { if (number) { return config.pull_branch_name_prefix + number; } }; PullRequest.prototype.getPullRequestNumberFromBranch_ = function () { var instance = this, options = instance.options, prefix; prefix = config.pull_branch_name_prefix; if (options.currentBranch && options.currentBranch.indexOf(prefix) > -1) { return options.currentBranch.replace(prefix, ''); } }; PullRequest.prototype.getPullsTemplateJson_ = function (pulls, opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, branch, branches, json; branches = {}; json = { branches: [] }; pulls.forEach(function (pull) { branch = pull.base.ref; if (!options.branch || options.branch === branch) { branches[branch] = branches[branch] || []; branches[branch].push(pull); } }); Object.keys(branches).forEach(function (branch) { json.branches.push({ name: branch, pulls: branches[branch], total: branches[branch].length }); }); opt_callback && opt_callback(null, json); }; PullRequest.prototype.printPullInfo_ = function (pull) { var options = this.options; logger.log('#' + pull.number) + ' ' + pull.title + ' ' + logger.colors.magenta('@' + pull.user.login) + ' (' + logger.getDuration(pull.created_at) + ')'); if (options.detailed) { logger.log(; } if (pull.mergeable_state === 'clean') { logger.log('Mergeable (' + pull.mergeable_state + ')')); } else if (pull.mergeable_state !== undefined) { logger.warn('Not mergeable (' + pull.mergeable_state + ')')); } if (( || options.detailed) && pull.body) { logger.log(pull.body + '\n'); } }; PullRequest.prototype.get = function (user, repo, number) { var pr = this, payload; payload = { repo: repo, user: user, number: number }; base.github.pullRequests.get(payload, function (err, pull) { if (err) { logger.warn('Can\'t get pull request ' + user + '/' + repo + '/' + number); return; } pr.printPullInfo_(pull); }); }; PullRequest.prototype.list = function (user, repo, opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, json, operations, payload, pulls, sort; sort = options.sort; if (options.sort === PullRequest.SORT_COMPLEXITY) { sort = PullRequest.SORT_CREATED; } payload = { direction: options.direction, repo: repo, sort: sort, state: options.state, user: user }; operations = [ function (callback) { base.github.pullRequests.getAll(payload, function (err, data) { pulls = []; if (!err) { if ( { pulls = instance.filterPullsSentByMe_(data); } else { pulls = data; } } if (err && err.code === 404) { // some times a repo is found, but you can't listen its prs // due to the repo being disabled (e.g., private repo with debt) logger.warn('Can\'t list pull requests for ' + user + '/' + payload.repo); callback(); } else { callback(err); } }); }, function (callback) { if (options.sort && options.sort === PullRequest.SORT_COMPLEXITY) { instance.addComplexityParamToPulls_(pulls, function (err, data) { if (!err) { pulls = instance.sortPullsByComplexity_(data); } callback(err); }); } else { callback(); } }, function (callback) { instance.getPullsTemplateJson_(pulls, function (err, data) { if (!err) { json = data; } callback(err); }); } ]; async.series(operations, function (err) { if (!err && pulls.length) { logger.log(logger.colors.yellow(user + '/' + repo)); json.branches.forEach(function (branch) { logger.log( + ' (' + + ')'); branch.pulls.forEach(instance.printPullInfo_, instance); }); } opt_callback && opt_callback(err); }); }; PullRequest.prototype.listFromAllRepositories = function (opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, payload, apiMethod; payload = { type: 'all', user: options.user, per_page: 1000 }; if( { apiMethod = 'getFromOrg'; =; } else { apiMethod = 'getAll'; } base.github.repos[apiMethod](payload, function (err, repositories) { if (err) { opt_callback && opt_callback(err); } else { repositories.forEach(function (repository) { instance.list(repository.owner.login,, opt_callback); }); } }); }; PullRequest.prototype.listFromAllOrgRepositories = function (opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, payload; payload = { type: 'all', user: options.user, org:, per_page: 1000 }; base.github.repos.getFromOrg(payload, function (err, repositories) { if (err) { opt_callback && opt_callback(err); } else { repositories.forEach(function (repository) { instance.list(repository.owner.login,, opt_callback); }); } }); }; PullRequest.prototype.merge = function (opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, method = 'merge'; if (options.rebase) { method = 'rebase'; } git.checkout(options.branch); git[method](options.pullBranch); git.push(config.default_remote, options.branch); git.deleteBranch(options.pullBranch); opt_callback && opt_callback(); }; = function (opt_callback) { var instance = this; instance.getPullRequest_(function (err, pull) { if (err) { opt_callback && opt_callback(err); } else { instance.updatePullRequest_( pull.title, pull.body, PullRequest.STATE_OPEN, opt_callback); } }); }; PullRequest.prototype.setMergeCommentRequiredOptions_ = function (opt_callback) { var options = this.options, lastCommitSHA = git.getLastCommitSHA(), changes = git.countUserAdjacentCommits(); options.currentSHA = lastCommitSHA; if (changes > 0) { options.changes = changes; } options.pullHeadSHA = lastCommitSHA + '~' + changes; opt_callback && opt_callback(); }; PullRequest.prototype.sortPullsByComplexity_ = function (data) { var instance = this, options = instance.options; data.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.complexity > b.complexity) { return -1; } else if (a.complexity < b.complexity) { return +1; } else { return 0; } }); if (options.direction === PullRequest.DIRECTION_ASC) { data.reverse(); } return data; }; PullRequest.prototype.submit = function (user, opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, operations, pullBranch; pullBranch = options.pullBranch || options.currentBranch; operations = [ function (callback) { git.push(config.default_remote, pullBranch); callback(); }, function (callback) { if (!options.title) { options.title = git.getLastCommitMessage(pullBranch); } callback(); }, function (callback) { var payload = { base: options.branch, head: options.user + ':' + pullBranch, repo: options.repo, user: user }; if (options.issue) { payload.issue = options.issue; base.github.pullRequests.createFromIssue(payload, callback); } else { payload.body = options.description; payload.title = options.title; base.github.pullRequests.create(payload, callback); } } ]; async.series(operations, function (err, results) { if (err) { instance.checkPullRequestIntegrity_(err, user, opt_callback); } else { opt_callback && opt_callback(err, results[2]); } }); }; PullRequest.prototype.updatePullRequest_ = function (title, opt_body, state, opt_callback) { var instance = this, options = instance.options, payload; if (opt_body) { opt_body = logger.applyReplacements(opt_body, config.replace); } payload = { body: opt_body, number: options.number, repo: options.repo, state: state, title: title, user: options.user }; base.github.pullRequests.update(payload, opt_callback); }; PullRequest.prototype._fetchHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options, fetchType = PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_CHECKOUT; if (options.merge) { fetchType = PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_MERGE; } else if (options.rebase) { fetchType = PullRequest.FETCH_TYPE_REBASE; } hooks.invoke('pull-request.fetch', instance, function (afterHooksCallback) { var operation = '', branch = options.pullBranch; if (options.merge) { operation = ' and merging'; branch = options.currentBranch; } if (options.rebase) { operation = ' and rebasing'; branch = options.currentBranch; } logger.log('Fetching pull request ' +'#' + options.number) + operation + ' into branch ' +; instance.fetch(fetchType, function (err) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t fetch pull request ' + options.number + '.'); return; } afterHooksCallback(); }); }); }; PullRequest.prototype._mergeHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options, operation = 'Merging'; hooks.invoke('pull-request.merge', instance, function (afterHooksCallback) { if (options.rebase) { operation = 'Rebasing'; } logger.log(operation + ' pull request ' +'#' + options.number) + ' into branch ' +; instance.merge(); instance.setMergeCommentRequiredOptions_(afterHooksCallback); }); }; PullRequest.prototype._fwdHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options; hooks.invoke('pull-request.fwd', instance, function (afterHooksCallback) { logger.log('Forwarding pull request ' +'#' + options.number) + ' to ' + logger.colors.magenta('@' + options.fwd)); instance.forward(function (err, pull) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t forward pull request ' + options.number + ' to ' + options.fwd + '.'); return; } if (pull) { options.forwardedPull = pull.number; } logger.log(pull.html_url); instance.setMergeCommentRequiredOptions_(afterHooksCallback); }); }); }; PullRequest.prototype._closeHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options; hooks.invoke('pull-request.close', instance, function (afterHooksCallback) { logger.log('Closing pull request ' +'#' + options.number)); instance.close(function (err, pull) { if (err) { logger.warn('Can\'t close pull request ' + options.number + '.'); return; } logger.log(pull.html_url); instance.setMergeCommentRequiredOptions_(afterHooksCallback); }); }); }; PullRequest.prototype._commentHandler = function () { var options = this.options; logger.log('Adding comment on pull request ' +'#' + options.number)); this.issue.comment(function (err, pull) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t comment on pull request ' + options.number + '.'); return; } logger.log(pull.html_url); }); }; PullRequest.prototype._infoHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options; instance.get(options.user, options.repo, options.number, function (err) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t get pull requests.'); return; } }); }; PullRequest.prototype._listHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options, who; options.sort = options.sort || PullRequest.SORT_CREATED; options.direction = options.direction || PullRequest.DIRECTION_DESC; if (options.all) { who = options.user; if ( { who =; } logger.log('Listing all ' + options.state + ' pull requests for ' +; instance.listFromAllRepositories(function (err) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t list all pull requests from repos.'); return; } }); } else { if ( { logger.log('Listing ' + options.state + ' pull requests sent by ' + + ' on ' + + '/' + options.repo)); } else { logger.log('Listing ' + options.state + ' pull requests on ' + + '/' + options.repo)); } instance.list(options.user, options.repo, function (err) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t list pull requests.'); return; } }); } }; PullRequest.prototype._openHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options; hooks.invoke('', instance, function (afterHooksCallback) { logger.log('Opening pull request ' +'#' + options.number)); (err, pull) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t open pull request ' + options.number + '.'); return; } logger.log(pull.html_url); afterHooksCallback(); }); }); }; PullRequest.prototype._submitHandler = function () { var instance = this, options = this.options; hooks.invoke('pull-request.submit', instance, function (afterHooksCallback) { logger.log('Submitting pull request to ' + logger.colors.magenta('@' + options.submit)); instance.submit(options.submit, function (err, pull) { if (err) { logger.error('Can\'t submit pull request. ' + JSON.parse(err.message).errors[0].message); return; } if (pull) { options.submittedPull = pull.number; } logger.log(pull.html_url); instance.setMergeCommentRequiredOptions_(afterHooksCallback); }); }); }; exports.Impl = PullRequest;