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/* * Copyright 2013-2015, All Rights Reserved. * * Code licensed under the BSD License: * * * @author Eduardo Lundgren <> */ 'use strict'; var logger = require('./logger'), exec = require('./exec'), git_command = process.env.GH_GIT_COMMAND || 'git'; exports.checkout = function (branch, newBranch) { var args = ['checkout', branch]; if (newBranch) { args.push('-B', newBranch); } return exec.spawnSyncStream(git_command, args); }; exports.clone = function (url, folder) { var args = ['clone', url]; if (folder) { args.push(folder); } return exec.spawnSyncStream(git_command, args); }; exports._merge = function (branch, type) { var res; try { res = exec.spawnSyncStream(git_command, [type, branch]); } catch(err) { if (err.code && err.code !== 0) { exec.spawnSyncStream(git_command, [type, '--abort']); throw err; } } }; exports.merge = function (branch) { return this._merge(branch, 'merge'); }; exports.rebase = function (branch) { return this._merge(branch, 'rebase'); }; exports.push = function (remote, branch) { var args = ['push', remote]; if (branch) { args.push(branch); } return exec.spawnSyncStream(git_command, args); }; exports.fetch = function (repoUrl, headBranch, pullBranch) { var args = ['fetch', repoUrl, headBranch + ':' + pullBranch]; return exec.spawnSyncStream(git_command, args); }; exports.countUserAdjacentCommits = function () { var git, params, commits = 0, user = exports.getConfig(''), author; do { params = ['log', '-1', '--skip=' + commits, '--pretty=%an']; git = exec.spawnSync(git_command, params); if (git.status !== 0) { logger.error(git.stderr); } author = git.stdout; commits += 1; } while (author === user); commits -= 1; return commits; }; exports.deleteBranch = function (branch) { var git = exec.spawnSync(git_command, ['branch', '-d', branch]); if (git.status !== 0) { logger.debug(git.stderr); } return git.stdout; }; exports.findRoot = function () { return exec.spawnSync(git_command, ['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']).stdout; }; exports.getCommitMessage = function (branch, number) { var git, params = ['log']; if (!number) { number = 1; } params.push('-' + number, '--first-parent', '--no-merges', '--pretty=%s'); if (branch) { params.push(branch); } params.push('--'); git = exec.spawnSync(git_command, params); if (git.status !== 0) { logger.debug('Can\'t get commit message.'); return; } return git.stdout; }; exports.getConfig = function (key) { var git = exec.spawnSync(git_command, ['config', '--get', key]); if (git.status !== 0) { throw new Error('No git config found for ' + key + '\n'); } return git.stdout; }; exports.getCurrentBranch = function () { var git = exec.spawnSync(git_command, ['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD']); if (git.status !== 0) { logger.debug('Can\'t get current branch.'); return; } return git.stdout; }; exports.getLastCommitMessage = function (branch) { return exports.getCommitMessage(branch, 1); }; exports.getLastCommitSHA = function () { var git = exec.spawnSync(git_command, ['rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']); if (git.status !== 0) { throw new Error('Can\'t retrieve last commit.'); } return git.stdout; }; exports.getRemoteUrl = function (remote) { try { return exports.getConfig('remote.' + remote + '.url'); } catch(e) { logger.debug('Can\'t get remote URL.'); return; } }; exports.getRepoFromRemoteURL = function (url) { var parsed = exports.parseRemoteUrl(url); return parsed && parsed[1]; }; exports.getUserFromRemoteUrl = function (url) { var parsed = exports.parseRemoteUrl(url); return parsed && parsed[0]; }; exports.getRepo = function (remote) { return exports.getRepoFromRemoteURL(exports.getRemoteUrl(remote)); }; exports.getUser = function (remote) { return exports.getUserFromRemoteUrl(exports.getRemoteUrl(remote)); }; exports.parseRemoteUrl = function (url) { var parsed = /[\/:]([\w-]+)\/(.*?)(?:\.git)?$/.exec(url); if (parsed) { parsed.shift(); } return parsed; };