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/* * Copyright 2013-2015, All Rights Reserved. * * Code licensed under the BSD License: * * * @author Eduardo Lundgren <> * @author Zeno Rocha <> */ 'use strict'; var logger = {}, fs = require('fs'), handlebars = require('handlebars'), moment = require('moment'), path = require('path'), wrap = require('wordwrap').hard(0, 80), colors = require('colors/safe'); function stripHandlebarsNewLine(str) { return str.replace(/[\s\t\r\n](\{\{[#\/])/g, '$1'); } logger.debug = function () { if (process.env.GH_VERBOSE) { arguments[0] = 'DEBUG: ' + arguments[0]; console.log.apply(this, arguments); } }; logger.error = function () { arguments[0] = 'fatal: ' + arguments[0]; console.error.apply(this, arguments); process.exit(1); }; logger.warn = function () { arguments[0] = 'warning: ' + arguments[0]; console.error.apply(this, arguments); }; logger.log = function () { console.log.apply(this, arguments); }; logger.getDuration = function (start, opt_end) { if (opt_end === undefined) { opt_end =; } return moment.duration(moment(start).diff(opt_end)).humanize(true); }; logger.applyReplacements = function (output, replaceMap) { var regexPattern; for (regexPattern in replaceMap) { if (replaceMap.hasOwnProperty(regexPattern)) { output = output.replace( new RegExp(regexPattern, 'g'), replaceMap[regexPattern]); } } return output; }; logger.getErrorMessage = function (err) { var msg; // General normalizer if (!err) { return 'No error message.'; } if (err.errors) { return err.errors; } // Normalize github api error if (!err.message) { return err; } try { msg = JSON.parse(err.message); } catch(e) { return err.message; } if (typeof msg === 'string') { return msg; } if (msg.errors && msg.errors[0] && msg.errors[0].message) { return msg.errors[0].message; } if (msg.message) { return msg.message; } // Normalize git error return err.message.replace('Command failed: fatal: ', '').trim(); }; logger.compileTemplate = function (source, map) { var template = handlebars.compile(source); return logger.applyReplacements(template(map)); }; logger.logTemplate = function (source, map) { console.log(logger.compileTemplate(source, map || {})); }; logger.logTemplateFile = function (file, map) { var templatePath, source; templatePath = path.join(file); if (!fs.existsSync(templatePath)) { templatePath = path.join(__dirname, 'cmds/templates', file); } source = fs.readFileSync(templatePath).toString(); logger.logTemplate(stripHandlebarsNewLine(source), map); }; logger.registerHelper = function (name, callback) { handlebars.registerHelper(name, callback); }; logger.registerHelpers_ = function () { handlebars.registerHelper('date', function (date) { return logger.getDuration(date); }); handlebars.registerHelper('compareLink', function () { return '' + this.options.user + '/' + this.options.repo + '/compare/' + this.options.pullHeadSHA + '...' + this.options.currentSHA; }); handlebars.registerHelper('forwardedLink', function () { return '' + this.options.fwd + '/' + this.options.repo + '/pull/' + this.options.forwardedPull; }); handlebars.registerHelper('link', function () { return '' + this.options.user + '/' + this.options.repo + '/pull/' + this.options.number; }); handlebars.registerHelper('submittedLink', function () { return '' + this.options.submit + '/' + this.options.repo + '/pull/' + this.options.submittedPull; }); handlebars.registerHelper('issueLink', function () { return '' + this.options.user + '/' + this.options.repo + '/issues/' + this.options.number; }); handlebars.registerHelper('gistLink', function () { return '' + this.options.loggedUser + '/' +; }); handlebars.registerHelper('repoLink', function () { return '' + this.options.user + '/' + this.options.repo; }); handlebars.registerHelper('wordwrap', function (text, padding, stripNewLines) { var gutter = ''; if (stripNewLines !== false) { text = text.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]+/g, ' '); } text = wrap(text).split('\n'); if (padding > 0) { gutter = (new Array(padding)).join(' '); } return text.join('\n' + gutter); }); }; logger.registerHelpers_(); logger.colors = colors; module.exports = logger;